statpsych 1.6.0 (2024-07-09)
New functions:
- ci.mean.fpc -- Computes confidence interval for a mean with a finite population correction
- ci.prop.fpc -- Computes confidence interval for a proportion with a finite population correction
- ci.poisson -- Computes confidence interval for a Poisson rate
- ci.ratio.poisson2 -- Computes confidence interval for a ratio of Poisson rates in a 2-group design
- ci.bscor -- Computes confidence interval for a biserial correlation
- pi.cor -- Computes prediction interval for an estimated correlation
- pi.prop -- Computes prediction interval for an estimated proportion
- test.cor -- Hypothesis test for a Pearson or partial correlation (for zero or non-zero null hypotheses)
- test.spear -- Hypothesis test for a Spearman correlation (for zero or non-zero null hypotheses)
- test.cor2 -- Hypothesis test for a 2-group Pearson or partial correlation difference
- test.spear2 -- Hypothesis test for a 2-group Spearman correlation difference
- test.mean -- Hypothesis test for a mean using summary information
- -- Computes sample size for a 2-group Pearson correlation difference confidence interval
- -- Computes sample size for a 2-group Spearman correlation difference confidence interval
- -- Computes sample size for a tetrachoric correlation confidence interval
- -- Computes sample size for a mean confidence interval using a planning value from a prior study
- -- Computes sample size for a proportion confidence interval using a planning value from a prior study
- -- Computes sample size for a correlation confidence interval using a planning value from a prior study
- -- Computes adjusted standard errors for slope coefficients in an exploratory analysis
- fitindices -- Computes four SEM fit indices
- ci.var.upper now computes an exact upper limit rather than an approximate upper limit
- power computations are now more accurate for very small effect sizes in the power.cor, power.cor2,, power.mean, power.mean2,, power.prop, power.pro2, and functions
- size.test.prop and size.test.prop2 now assume the test statistic will use a continuity correction
- one-group function names that end with a "1" have been renamed and now exclude the "1" (for naming consistency and to avoid confusion with lower case L).
- ci.mape2 has been renamed ci.ratio.mape2, and ci.cod2 has been renamed ci.ratio.cod2
- The ci.phi function now uses a Fisher transformation for improved coverage probability performance
statpsych 1.5.0 (2023-12-20)
- New functions:
- ci.cv1 -- Computes confidence interval for a coefficient of variation
- ci.ratio.cv2 -- Computes confidence interval for a ratio of coefficients of variation
- ci.pv -- Computes confidence intervals for positive and negative predictive values with
retrospective sampling
- -- Computes confidence intervals of standardized effects in a 2x2
within-subjects design
- ci.2x2.stdmean.mixed -- Computes confidence intervals of standardized effects in a 2x2
mixed design
- -- Computes confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 within-subjects
design for medians
- ci.2x2.median.mixed -- Computes confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 mixed design
for medians
- spearmanbrown -- Computes the reliability of a scale with r2 measurements given the
reliability of a scale with r1 measurements
- -- Computes the sample size requirement for a Spearman correlation confidence interval
- -- Computes the sample size requirement for a point-biserial correlation confidence interval
- -- Computes the sample size requirement for a mean absolute prediction error confidence interval
- Error Corrections:
- corrected CI error in ci.cramer
- corrected SE error in
- Modifications:
- both biased and bias adjusted estimates are now reported in ci.stdmean1, ci.stdmean2,, ci.stdmean.strat, and
- ci.mape has been renamed ci.mape1
statpsych 1.4.0 (2023-06-14)
- New functions:
- power.prop1 -- Computes power for 1-sample test of proportion for a planned sample size
- power.prop2 -- Computes power for 2-sample test of proportion for planned sample sizes
- -- Computes power for paired-samples test of proportion for a planned
sample size
- power.mean1 -- Computes power for 1-sample t-test for a planned sample size
- power.mean2 -- Computes power for 2-sample t-test for planned sample sizes
- -- Computes power for paired-samples t-test for a planned sample size
- -- Computes power of a test for a linear contrast of means for planned
sample sizes in a between-subjects design
- power.cor1 -- Computes power for 1-sample test of correlation for a planned sample size
- power.cor2 -- Computes power for 2-sample test of correlations for planned sample sizes
- ci.cqv1 -- Computes confidence interval for a population coefficient of qualitative
- ci.prop1.inv -- Computes confidence interval for a population proportion using inverse
- ci.prop2.inv -- Computes confidence interval for a difference in population proportions
using inverse sampling
- ci.agree.3rater -- Computes confidence intervals for a 3-rater design with dichotomous
- ci.ratio.sd2 -- Computes robust confidence interval for ratio of standard deviations in a
2-group design
- size.test.cor2 -- Computes sample size for a test of equal Pearson or partial correlation in a
2-group design
- size.test.cronbach2 -- Computes sample size to test equality of Cronbach reliability
coefficients in a 2-group design
- -- Computes sample size for a 2-group Cronbach reliability difference
confidence interval
- -- Computes sample size for an eta-squared confidence interval
- -- Computes sample size for an indirect effect confidence interval
- ci.mape2 -- Computes confidence interval for a ratio of mean absolute prediction errors in
a 2-group design
- ci.rel2 -- Computes confidence interval for a 2-group reliability difference
- ci.cronbach2 -- Computes confidence interval for a difference in Cronbach reliabilities in
a 2-group design
- -- Computes confidence intervals of standardized effects in a 2x2
between-subjects design for means
- -- Computes confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 between-subjects
design for medians
- pi.var.upper -- Computes upper prediction limit for an estimated variance
- ci.bayes.normal -- Computes Bayesian credible interval for any parameter estimator with
a normal sampling distributuion using a Normal prior distribution
- ci.bayes.prop1 -- Computes Bayesian credible interval for a single proportion using a Beta
prior distribution
- Modifications:
- Corrected Example output in ci.reliability and
- SE added to output in: ci.cronbach, ci.oddsratio, ci.yule, ci.etasqr, ci.rsqr, ci.spear2,
ci.cor2, ci.cor.dep, ci.cod1, ci.mad1, ci.mape, ci.agree2, ci.pbcor, and ci.tetra
- Improved accuracy in
- Three generalized Yule coefficients added to ci.yule
- The,, and ci.2x2.prop.mixed functions now define proportions
for the y = 1 category rather than the y = 0 category.
statpsych 1.3.0 (2023-01-11)
- New functions:
- ci.theil -- Theil-Sen estimate and confidence interval for slope
- -- Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a median difference in a two-group design
- -- Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a median difference in a paired design
- -- Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a standardized mean difference in a two-group design
- -- Prediction interval for difference of scores in a 2-level within-subjects experiment
- Updated outputs:
- ci.cod1 -- first column is 'Estimate', no longer 'COD'
- ci.cod2 -- first column is 'Estimate', no longer 'COD1'
- ci.cramer -- first column is 'Estimate', no longer 'Cramer's V'
- -- now returns 3 rows, adding sample size for group 1 standardizer
- -- now returns two rows, one for each standardizer
- ci.mad1 -- first column is 'Estimate', no longer 'MAD'
- ci.mape -- first column is 'Estimate', no longer 'MAPE'
- -- now returns two rows, one for each standardizer
- -- now returns two rows, one for each standardizer
- -- now returns two rows, one for each standardizer
- -- now returns two rows, one for each standardizer
- ci.mann -- now returns a confidence interval for P(y1 > y2) rather than P(y1 < y2).
- Error Correction:
- -- corrected an error in the standard error computation
statpsych 1.2.0 (2022-08-19)
- New functions:
- ci.cramer - Confidence interval for Cramer's V
- - Confidence intervals for effects in a 2x2 between-subjects design for means
- - Confidence intervals for effects in a 2x2 within-subjects design for means
- ci.2x2.mean.mixed - Confidence intervals for effects in a 2x2 mixed design for means
- - Confidence intervals for effects in a 2x2 between-subjects design for proportions
- ci.2x2.prop.mixed - Confidence intervals for effects in a 2x2 mixed design for proportions
- – Simulation of confidence interval for a mean
- – Simulation of confidence interval for mean difference in a two-group design
- – Simulation of confidence interval for mean difference in a paired-samples design
- – Simulation of confidence interval for a single median
- – Simulation of confidence interval for a Pearson correlation
- – Simulation of confidence interval for a Spearman correlation
- Modifications:
- The function now outputs an adjusted point estimate of the proportion difference, as stated in the documentation, rather than an unadjusted estimate
- The ci.cor, ci.cor2, and ci.cor.dep functions now uses a bias adjustment to reduce the bias of the Fisher transformed correlations
- The ci.median1 function now uses the same standard error formula as the ci.median2, ci.ratio.median2, and functions
- Error Correction:
- Corrected an error for the standard error computation in the ci.indirect function
statpsych 1.1.0 (2022-06-22)
- New functions:
- ci.agree2 - Confidence interval for G-index difference in a 2-group design
- ci.cod2 - Confidence interval for a ratio of dispersion coefficients in a 2-group
- ci.etasqr - Confidence interval for eta-squared
- - Confidence interval for a linear contrast of parameters in a between-subjects design
- - Confidence interval for a linear contrast of general linear model parameters
- ci.reliability - Confidence interval for a reliability coefficient
- ci.rsqr - Confidence interval for squared multiple correlation
- ci.sign1 - Confidence interval for the parameter of the one-sample sign test
- - Confidence interval for the slope of means in a single-factor design with a quantitative between-subjects factor
- test.kurtosis - Computes Monte Carlo p-value for test of excess kurtosis
- test.skew - Computes Monte Carlo p-value for test of skewness
- - Test of a monotonic trend in means for an ordered between-subjects factor
- - Test of monotonic trend in proportions for an ordered between-subjects
- etasqr.gen.2way - Computes generalized eta-squared estimates in a two-factor design
- Updated documentation for consistency
- Changed arguments for some functions for consistency
- size.test.cronbach now takes (alpha, pow, rel, r, h) rather than (alpha, pow, rel, a, h)
- ci.cronbach now takes (alpha, rel, r, n) rather than (alpha, rel, a, n)
- Changed some of the column names in returned matrixes for consistency:
-, the last column is now "COV" rather than "cov"
statpsych 1.0.0 (2021-09-09)